A New Perspective

“Don’t seek the will of the Lord without your time of rest. Don’t overthink the next step. Come rest. Your heart will sync with the Father’s and your plans and purposes will prevail.

At the end of this chapter, you might find out, this story isn’t over. This story has just begun. When you turn the page you’ll see the number 1. How can this be? A new beginning in the middle of this book? A closure is necessary for this new look.

Do you want to know what the new story is? It’s the one you’ve been striving for in unrepentance. It’s the one you’ve wanted to wear under the old ragged cloth. It’s not about keeping these old rags anymore. You must let those go.

When you take your next step forward, don’t look back at where you’ve come from. You can’t bring it with you. Instead, look ahead for your next secure landing. Repeating the past is the same mistake the pagans make….Maybe if I do this, or if I do this… they say to themselves. But I have not called you to retrace, I’ve called you out. I’m moving you forward.

I have called you a new creation, one that is found in Me. I yearn for your way forward. What you once hoped for is here. Take it. Leap for it! Jump with joy! Don’t overlook this next step. It may not be about where you’re going, but who you’re going with.

I am. I amI singing healing over you as you move forward. I’ve not asked you to come all put together. But, together, we are going to put the old behind. There’s not much room for it anyway where you are going. Your closest full of hopeful treasures will become storehouses for the lands around you. When you locate the treasure that’s inside you, you’ll see the old rag clothes really don’t look good in comparison. Let them go. Point your eyes to Christ. My way is peace.

I’m going to end the circumstances in your life. Not only to reveal who I am, but to show you that your past has nothing to do with where I’m calling you. Can you believe me for a new day, a new look, a new chapter? I am singing over you, rejoice! For the Lord has come! I have made you well. Your soul prospers as you hold my hand. “

References: Hebrews 3 + 4, Psalm 95

There is breakthrough today for the unrepented heart. Today is a day to hand over the old beat up and torn clothes. The ones that we hold out to say look what happened to me, look what I’ve been through. Does anyone see me? Instead, in full vulnerability, Jesus is asking us to lay those down and finally see our story without that narrative. To repent and let the doubt go. To fully embrace who He has called us to be and what words to cling to and speak. It may feel vulnerable but I guarantee, this is your invitation to true freedom. Repentance is a gift!


A New Message