Heavenly laughter

Laugh a little. It will be good for your soul. Enjoy the things of this created world. Hatred is used for the enemy’s pleasure, just as delight is the treasure of the Father’s heart. He rejoices in your delight, in your joy and in your laughter. It is a way to take pleasure in the Lord!

Do not worry about being distracted or being out of touch with your realities. Go and see that which was created for the delight of the Lord. Enjoy one another and have a healthy laugh. Put down your defenses and engage from heart to heart. This is healing medicine, an integral part of the design from the King.

Heavenly laughter is a gift worth cherishing. It is an expression of the overflow of the Lord upon you! I take delight as the Son, who knows the Father well. The way He sees you when you laugh! Oh, you should see His heart swell up as He delights in your face. Let the Spirit overtake you out of the darkness and of distraction. Let the Spirit take you into delight.

Now there is one consequence for enjoying this heavenly medicine. What looks foolish to this world can be wise among the Kingdom. So pursue true wisdom and heavenly joy! Be glorified as you live your life undignified for Christ! The miracle is in the posture of the heart. Rejoice as your humble hearts receive, all that you need.

Scripture References: John 16:24, Psalm 30:1-5, Psalm 31:16, Proverbs 17:22, Luke 6: 21-22

Prayer: Holy Spirit, I yield myself to you! I receive your gift of mercy and joy over my life and over my soul. Fill me deeper with your joy. I choose to abide in you today, in revelation truth and to be submersed in your love. I lay down what I think I must carry and I give it to you. In you, I choose to delight. Amen


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