This is the place…
This is the place you’ve come to, when all else has failed. My voice inside of you is getting louder. I’m ready to breakout and stir these waters. Your soul is not too thirsty to be quenched and your land is not too dry to be watered. It will bear fruit and you will be satisfied.
You’ve come to this place expectant, and rightfully so! This is who I am. The Son of God is filled with expectation! Don’t you hear the people saying, “He is coming!” Daughter and sons, I am coming! The turn on your investment will not be short-changed. The Kingdom is better than you can think, ask or imagine. I have promises for you that you have not yet dared to even ask me! So go ahead, pursue it! Pursue your rightful expectation through My name!
My hand is not to big and not too small. I see every yearning inside of you to be delivered and healed. The tension isn’t natural to remain and be part of you. The tension is there to stir your soul and to come and receive! You’re designed to see a desire fulfilled and a prayer answered! This is the way of life with your King. So go ahead and ask, I have the answer.
Let the breathe of Life breath upon you. This day is your turning point, the day you thought what was dead finally came alive! Don’t look any further, I’m standing right here. Will you come up here and seek Me? It doesn’t take long to find me. Behold, I long to light your path.
Prayer: Jesus, lead me in the way everlasting! I choose to seek you and find you in this place. Will you open the door to the right path and way in My life. Thank you for being my healer and deliver. I ask forgiveness for looking to other ways besides you. I invite you here now to come and have your way in me.
References: Proverbs 13:12, Ezekiel 37:1-10; Matthew 7: 7 -12; John 14:26