Your Daily Encounter
I have placed you as a city on a hill. Into the darkness you shine. Don’t forget I’ve sent you as the light of the Gospel Truth. The darkness you are surrounded by is not yours. You have a choice. You can either take the lie that the enemy wants to feed you or you can stand in Gospel Truth.
Don’t fall for the trap. When you look back you will see how easy it is to overcome! It is nothing to worry about or fear. Your voice carries the weight of My sword, the double edge sword of truth and righteousness. Take authority and stand in your rightful place.
If you excuse yourself from this mission you are not living for Me at all. You cannot have the Gospel Truth living within You if you are taking turns running with the devil. There is no healing he can steward nor light that comes from him.
It is I, Jesus, who is your friend. This mission is not a mission to run alone. I am with you! Into the truth we go as we pick up our sword and speak our daily declarations of the Word of God. Eat the choice fruit and drink the choice wine. I am your daily bread and your daily encounter. With me, we run through the darkness with authority. There is full healing in Christ. I am the One who resurrected you from death to life. The healing and authority you long to see runs within you. “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can come to the Father, except through Me.”
John 14: 6
Isaiah 55
Hebrews 4:12