Designed in Completion

Contemplate the beginning, when there was no fall and there was no season of harvest. The garden was made to bloom all year long, every day until the end; each seed, ready to bear fruit for its purposes; every design made in completion to fill the earth and multiply. 

For my purposes you were created. You were designed in completion and made in my likeness. Before sin entered the world I created, you had enough. Your supply was endless and your thoughts towards Me, precious. This is still the design and law of the world I created. My hand has brought enough to this earth. The enemy has simply deceived you to think that this world was created in lack. 

But darling, you were created in prosperity. You were created from My overflow. And you were created to do the same, to prosper, to multiply and receive an overflow from the work of your hand. Isn't it better to seek first the Kingdom? 

You cannot escape the work of this world, but you can escape its toil. You can escape its meaningless work and it's ruthless envy against your body. Come and rest with Me and receive everything you need. It is My desire to see you restored, see you repaired and restored for the enjoyable pleasures that I gave you in this lifetime. Don't believe Me? Just ask Me to come and I will certainly be there. 

Have you found hope in striving? Or how about rest? Or healing? In striving there is no end. In striving the enemy taunts to only destroy. This is where lack started. It started with the lie that I did not give you enough, and that I was wrong where I set the boundary line. Daughter and son, enjoy My discipline for I know what is best for you. There has always been enough in the garden, and I certainly have room for you. Come and find your healing and come and receive your rest. Your desires are waiting for you! The fruit I have for you restores. 

Prayer: Lord, thank you for your hand over My life. Thank you that your word restores. I receive my full inheritance and I begin now while on this earth. Show me where I am allowing harm to enter and lack to mislead me. Thank you for leading me to still waters and in the way everlasting, my Deliverer, my Healer.

References: Genesis 1:28-31, Matthew 11: 25-30, John 10: 7-11


To Be Loved


A new world