To Be Loved

There is just one thing left to do. Open your eyes and find My presence all around you. Enjoy the beautiful gaze of My delight. With each breath is a promise, that I am near. Let everything you see remind you of the beautiful details that I have mapped out for you.

There is a moment where this will break. When the light will cease and the enemy will stop striving, all will be lit by the glory of the King. The final breath I took on the cross was a prophetic declaration that the end will come and eternity will stamp out the darkness. This is My side of the story. This is the promise that I carry for all who carry My name.

When you look into My eyes, you will see My deep love for you. I love you for all that you are and all that you will be. Who you are becoming is to be more and more like Me. This isn’t just symbolic, but a deep restoration in your soul. As you join Me in your final breath, you will see that your life in Me is just beginning. This is a life that draws you closer to Me, and this is a love that brings you nearer to Me. As you’ve responded to My yes, walk faithfully in your promises on this earth.

There is only one position that you can take to be fully loved. That is to surrender. Surrender to the One who’s love is deeper than the ocean and wider than any sky. This is all there is left to do. As you look in My eyes, surrender. My love will wrap around you.

Prayer: Jesus, I surrender to the fullness of your love. I recognize the depth of your love and the depth of your acceptance in my life. I ask your love would cover and heal the wounds in my heart, and heal my physical needs as well. I thank you for responding to me through your love! I thank you that your love has brought me into eternity with you. Come and have your way with me. I fully trust you.

Reference: Deuteronomy 12:1, 32; Psalm 119: 145-152; 1 John 4:10




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