Consider it done

In My time I produce the fruit in your life. Stay convicted of My ways and the simple Gospel. Share at all costs who I am for you and My marvelous ways. All things are commanded for My good and evil can not transpire nor have its way. In the end, My Word carries the weight it always had when it was spoken. True is My word to this day.

My way is higher and My way is refreshing for your soul. What lives inside you is a life of abundance and fruit of the gospel. When you speak, seeds are planted in righteousness. So speak the words of the gospel over your self and your situation. My word is not void.

Fruitless are the words of evil under those who dwell upon the Lord. Curses cannot land upon a tent that is shielded by the Word of the Lord. Language was given to partner with the Lord. Steward this to your benefit and come up higher where you belong.

I’ve heard that every tongue and every tribe will confess that He is Lord. Speak forth the will of the Lord and the great commission will go before you. Your voice carries the authority of the Lord. Through salvation you were given the authority to bind, to loose, to speak healing and to speak in love.

Consider it done before you speak. Consider it done before you heal. The Spirit of the Lord is upon you and the Spirit of the Lord goes before you.


Your cry is met


Lean in.