Your cry is met

I have given you the right to enter the holy place, as you are the living temple of God. Before you, I went and prepared your dwelling place for the Lord God Almighty. A perfect bride you’ve become as you’ve been perfected in Me.

Don’t rush through this. I will lead you. Find time to be present with Me. In the midst of your trials, I am ever present. In your reaching, you grasp and it seems like I am not there. Instead, dwell and linger. Open your heart to receive a touch from heaven. You don't have to reach and grasp for what seems like nothing in the air, but rather, rest and I will come.

Unfold each concern and prophesy. How do you want to see Me come into the situation? What is it that you are really longing for? Your words paint the picture. In your authority I stand with you, in the blood of the lamb! Your confession of who I really am aligns your heart, mind and soul to step into the finished work at the cross. Hold fast to what is certain. The Word of God is your shield and buckler. This is the preemptive work of the cross.

“Holy Holy Holy” are the cries of the angels. This is the cry of my sons and daughters who know Me. This is the cry of the ones who’ve prepared their heart for My return. “Holy Holy Holy, is the Lord God Almighty.” This is it, this is all you’ll ever need in the temple. The cry of your heart is met with my matchless grace. Anticipate an overflow and an abundance in My response. Prepare your heart in your dwelling place. I have overcome. There’s no reason to grasp at anything else, nor cry for what the darkness could never attain. My presence outshines and fills the earth.


In the hands of our Creator


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