I have found the one…
I have found the one who my soul loves. The desire is met as I look upon you. Don’t wrestle with this in fear but know that I am the One who your soul longs for. This desire is met as you look upon Me.
Circle back to the memory and the opportunity you had when you first said “Yes!” Imagine the times when you found Me and walked right by my side. It is you whom My soul longs for and it is you I have imagined up to spend eternity with. In the Glory of the Most High God we will be, for all of eternity.
Spread wide across the table is an invitation to eat and partake of the sacrificial lamb. There was no better way to invite you in again. Take of My cup, and take of My bread.
Remove all hidden figures of doubt and cherish this moment of being seen by Me. Nothing hidden and nothing broken can remain in Me. This is the circumstance of remaining hidden under My wing and beneath My shelter. Here you are fully delighted in and seen for everything you are.
Your image reflects My identity as you let Me see and heal you. Come and rest beloved and know that right here, beneath My wing, is where I want you. You can speak to Me anytime, for I have found your presence a delight. My trust is a joy to extend and My mercy is a gift I was ready to sacrifice. Come and exceed your expectations of being loved! I am your One true love.