
There is time to find that all things have been reconciled and accounted for. Go deep with Me and you will find that I have the time to hear you for every single thing upon your heart. No time is wasted when you spend time in My presence.

I will deliver you from all the hurt as well. Stay steadfast in Me. You are about to pick up speed! On this new journey you’ll discover that nothing holds you back. I will deliver you from all evil. I will deliver you from all oppression. I will deliver you from everything that has held you back.

Don’t speak of silence between us when you have not confessed. Give it all to Me, every single thing. I make things right between your standing with the King. Bow to Him in His righteousness. His loving response will heal you and bring the serenity that you seek. Justice and vengeance are His, so turn into Me and I will lead you. Our Father knows the unthinkable! His plans for you are far beyond your belief. We’ve prepared and created you for so much more. I am with you each day, as a living proof of Our Father’s love and sacrifice. To send His son, was an eternal reward for Us to belong together.

So when you come home and turn into Me each time, I am ready to settle your heart. How can we be silent about the goodness of God? Return, for all has not been lost, but it has all been counted and paid for. It’s a new season! Redemption is yours.


What meets the eye


I have found the one…