What meets the eye

A love story between two, is a love story that has been engaged….engaged in one another, engaged through time and engaged to staying the course. There is nothing that can hurt the other, until the other looks away.

There we were, standing across from one another, when I felt the world separate us. Quickly, the forces changed and darkness fell upon the earth. What then met the eye was lust, a dream of something else, and a dream of what could be. If only they could taste it. It did not take long. What met the eye was soon disgust. Disgust with oneself and disgust with the choice. What soon met them in their darkness was too close, so they fell into their hiddenness. It was a trap from the evil enemy.

I came to the darkness and I meet with them. What could not meet my eye, was shame. They looked away. They felt they could not trust themselves in the face of their Chosen One. He was too clean and they felt ashamed.

Yet I uncovered their hiddenness and drew them close. I bore the weight of their shame.

What is that you feel bearing on your chest? The weight of the world or sin you think is beyond repair? Cast your cares unto Me and I will take this burden. I have chosen you to come closer.

As you look at Me, I long for you to discover that I am your Healer. It is My hope for you that meets the eye, if you would only look a little closer, and a little longer. Stay engaged with Me. Let me heal you and uncover the shame. It was never meant to be yours. Let me see you face to face. It is you that I long for.


Will you be the one?

